Vintage Table Decoration
My mind spins with all the technology that's out there right now...cell phones, ipads, there's something very comforting about seeing all the Traditional Holiday decorations that still exist...sort of brings us back to a much simpler time.
Our house was built in 1921, so vintage and antique items fit very well. We have always decorated the Christmas tree with vintage glass balls and other items...some from my own childhood, and the ones I've given to my own children over the years as keepsakes.
Vintage Ornaments
Another of my favorite childhood memories were the Pixie Elves and Christmas Angels. My Father always bought me a special Pixie...I still have a few, and I really look forward to unpacking them every year.
Christmas Angels
Hand Crafted Nativity

Now comes my all time FAVORITE childhood Christmas memory...the Manger! When my parents were newly married, they received an imported Creche from Italy. It was always a very special treat when my Mother would let me play with it, rearranging all the figures. I still have that actual Creche (being the Baby of the family DOES have some perks!), and since I have 3 children, I have collected 2 hand-crafted complete Mangers for my daughters. The original one from my own childhood goes to my son, since it was he who always took special care to arrange this very special item under the tree (and he IS the baby, after all)
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